6/30/2024 - Internatonal
Shipping methods have changed
Newest technical articles:
[600w+ high power 33cm SSPA] [LNA sequencing for the IC9700] [VHF-UHF LNAs (preamps) and MMICs] [1500w and 1KW SSPAs for 2 meters] [1500w and 1 KW SSPAs for 1.8-54 MHz] [A 1.8 to 54 MHz 1.5kw+ combiner set] [A 1.8 to 54MHz dual directional detector] [A 1.5 KW LPF for 160-6 Meters] [500w 70cm Amplifier] [600w high power SSPA for 1296 MHz]
N 37.55915, W 121.99260, CM97an - former call: WB6MYC
a picture to enlarge
First licensed in 1964; assigned W6PQL in 2003, which was the
call first issued to my late father in
Hobbies other than amateur radio include
wine making, precision shooting, golf and tennis. The children are
all grown up now, on their own, and doing O.K. One daughter is an engineer,
the other a CPA. Maybe now I can get my
computer fixed and my taxes done...
The antennas are pretty modest, mostly small Yagis
at about 33 feet. The antenna mast rotates through a bearing bolted to the apex
of the roof (the rotator is located on top of a trellis).
Lately I've been experimenting with WSJT-X
and WSJT 10.0
for EME work, and managed to work out some instructions for setting up the
radios I use here. These instructions can be found under the "Current
Projects" link on the left.
Station capabilities are listed here:
1.8-50 Mhz |
144-148 Mhz |
222-224 Mhz |
420-450 Mhz |
902-904 Mhz |
1240-1300 Mhz |
2304-2308 MHz |
3456-3460 MHz |
ANAN100D SDR, Palstar tuner,
LDMOS amplifier |
Icom IC9700, LDMOS amplifier |
ANAN100D SDR, DEMI transverter,LDMOS
amplifier |
Icom IC9700,
LDMOS amplifier |
ANAN100D SDR, DEMI transverter,
home-brew 28v
amplifier |
ANAN100D SDR, Hybrid Transverter,600w
50v LDMOS amp |
Elecraft KX3, hybrid transverter and
hybrid amplifier |
Elecraft KX3 and a
hybrid transverter |
140 ft horiz. square loop antenna, window line feed, 2dbi;
6m Moxon |
7 element Yagi, 12dbi |
10 element Yagi, 14dbi |
15 element Yagi, 16 dbi |
46 element stacked Yagi array, 21 dbi |
124 element stacked Yagi array, 25 dbi |
element loop Yagi, 21.5 dbi |
55 element loop Yagi, 22 dbi |
1500w |
1500w |
1 kw |
1kw |
300w |
500w |
120w |
50w |
Info on my station in the Azores can be found here:
73 - Jim
Latest items added to parts stock: